Romeika - Türkçe Sözlük

tursun Romeica sozluk

Romeika - Türkçe Sözlük
Vahit Tursun.
608 pages.
Heyamola Yayınları 2019.

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The dictionary contains Romeika (aka Pontic Greek) words translated to Turkish. There are 14,400 words including 8,500 phrases, proverbs, poems and verses. The introduction is written by Peter Mackridge, Emeritus Professor of Modern Greek at the University of Oxford. The Romeika words are listed alphabetically firstly using Greek text then English text. A Turkish translation follows. Included in each entry are examples of their use in both Anglicized Romeika and/or Turkish.

The dictionary is the culmination of 25 years of research by Vahit Tursun who was born in Pontus, an historic region in north-eastern Turkey. Romeica or Pontic Greek which was originally spoken around that region has been listed as one of the many endangered world languages by UNESCO.

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